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Agora Agriculture

Agora Agriculture develops science-based approaches for a sustainable and future-oriented food, agriculture and forestry sector.

Agora Agriculture

Our mission

Agora Agriculture aims to contribute to evidence-based and solution-oriented debates about the future of food, agriculture and forestry. We develop concepts and politically-feasible policy proposals that contribute to achieving sustainability and climate goals agreed on by society. In our analyses and proposals, we consider potential trade-offs between the different dimensions of sustainability and the economic realities in the agriculture, forestry and food sectors.

Our contributions are based on scientific analyses and are developed in exchange with stakeholders from the agriculture, forestry and food sectors, as well as academia, policymakers, civil society and the private sector. While our work is primarily focused on the German context, we also include the EU dimension, given that many key political decisions impacting the land-use sectors are negotiated at the EU level. 

Our work

With our interdisciplinary 18-member team, we conduct studies, organise dialogues and develop politically-feasible solutions for a wide range of topics, such as the further development of livestock husbandry and arable farming, rewetting of peatlands, land use in the bioeconomy, as well as sustainable nutrition.

The cooperation with the other Agora Think TanksAgora Energiewende, Agora Industry, and Agora Verkehrswende ‒ enables us a to adopt a cross-sectoral perspective on the challenges and opportunities in the transition to climate neutrality. 

The council of Agora Agriculture discusses our policy proposals and analyses, bringing together key stakeholders from the agricultural, forestry and food policy sectors in an open and trust-based dialogue. Agora Agriculture's council consists of around 20 distinguished experts engaged in academia, politics, associations, the private sector, and civil society. Members are appointed for their individual expertise, not as representatives of their respective institutions.

Transparency, independence and mutual respect are central to our work. As part of Agora Think Tanks, we are committed to providing a non-discriminatory, safe and productive workplace guided by our Code of Conduct.

Our structure

Agora Agriculture is part of the non-profit Agora Think Tanks gGmbH, along with Agora Energiewende and Agora Industry. The think tanks work independently in terms of content but interact closely with each other.

Our financing

Agora Agriculture's work is financed exclusively by grants from charitable foundations and organisations. We do not perform contract research and do not accept financial support from companies.

In the 2023 financial year, Agora Agriculture received 1.7 Mio Euros from earmarked donations and grants. More details on the financing of Agora Agriculture can be found further below in the PDF document.
